As the upcoming school year begins, I wanted to draft a visual representation of my pacing chart that I used for the 2013-2014 school year. A couple of things to note here is that my district used 3 snow days last year during the winter months. You will also notice that there are two blank days before Spring Break to grudgingly accommodate the students whose parents let them go on cruises two days before break actually starts. There are also two days where I begin my language unit before winter break for similar reasons, and so that I can assure that everyone has completed exams before break begins.

The Introduction unit tends to be the longest, however this is the time of year that I am establishing my classroom, getting my students to understand their new role as 1:1 iPad students, as well as teaching them about many fundamentals that we use throughout the rest of the school year. I have tried to cut this unit down in the past, but it continues to be an important unit for us and our students seem to do well on the AP Exam with this pacing.

My pacing chart is for two semesters.

APHuGe Pacing

APHuGe Pacing PDF-Version

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