Using the data visualization provided, students will use their textbook (migration chapter) and or outside sources to diagram the US immigration chart provided. I would encourage them to use multiple sources as the chart begins at 1829 and got to 2013 (not all websites will give migration policy information up to that point, so you will miss out on NAFTA, effects of 9/11, and 2008 recession).

DOWNLOAD the chart and point on legal paper here.

Here are two links to timelines that you could have them use as a resource.

US Immigration History Timeline #1

US Immigration History Timeline #2

Major points that you might want the kids to hit on are:

  • The Asian Exclusion Act
  • The Major Waves of European Migrants (1st, 2nd, 3rd waves) including North/Western Europeans, Eastern Europeans, Southern Europeans.
  • Effects of 9/11 and 2008 Recession
  • The Great Depression
  • WWI and WWII
  • 1924 immigration act
  • End of Vietnam War
  • Post WWII Refugees
  • U.S. Civil War
  • Periods of economic expansion and increased open door trade policies in 90’s/2000s, and late 1800’s.

You could take this a step further than have the kids look at WHERE immigrants settled in the US over time using the following New York Times website, Immigration Explorer.


Units of Study:
Population / Migration
US immigration PDF (Legal Size), outside sources for u.s. immigration policy/history, textbook
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