This is an activity that my students complete before the AP exam for review purposes. It does require for them to make a powerpoint presentation, but I started using Google presentations as of last year, and this year I will request that they use Nearpod, a presentation app for the iPad.

AP Final Presentation Review


  1. Regions of the world will be assigned as well as groups if necessary.
  2. Review the checklist of components that MUST be addressed in your presentation. (List on back)
  3. As a group or as an individual, create a division of labor and a rough draft of what topic will be included on each slide.
  4. Create a PowerPoint presentation for the region that you were assigned.
    1. Each presentation must include the following:

i.     Minimum of 18 slides, (evenly divided per person with name of creator at the bottom right of each slide).

ii.     Two slide minimum for each HuGe unit that has been covered. 7 units x2 slides =14 slides

iii.     Two slides dedicated to a current event story (include a picture and a synopsis for what is happening) where appropriate in your presentation. +2 current event=16 slides

iv.     Two slides dedicated to the appropriate philosopher or model assigned to your region and how it is pertinent to your region. +2 philosopher and model slides=18 TOTAL

v.     Must have text that is both necessary and appropriate in explaining what is happening in your region today. Remember that your region may have sub regions and it IS appropriate to explain phenomenon happening in specific countries/zones as needed.

vi.     A minimum of 1 visual aid per slide to accentuate the topic (i.e. pictures, graphs, charts, maps, etc.) = 18 minimum pictures

vii.     A minimum of 4 underlined vocabulary words per HuGe unit that you feel are region specific.

  1. All presenters must be dressed appropriately (business-like) for an informational presentation
  2. Each group member must play an equal role in the creation and the presentation of the project.
  3. d.     Each group must provide a printed out copy of their presentation to the teacher on the day that they present.

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