In an effort to help Human Geography teachers everywhere, post your resources for others to search and view/use here. I am always inspired by the content that teachers share with each other on the AP HuGe community page, but let’s face it, the search feature is terrible.

Don’t reinvent the wheel. Use a lesson plan/share a lesson plan and we can spend more time tailoring it and perfecting it to our individual classroom needs.

Note: Please only submit original work or credit resources below.

Teacher Resource Submissions

Title your resource or lesson plan here!
Your image will appear with your resource on the website when posted. Everyone likes a god picture!
Give us a brief overview of your resource. What are the learning objectives / expected outcomes
Which units of study can we use this resource?
What is the order of operations? How should we tackle this resource?
Are there any extra materials we should gather?
Are there any other ways to tackle this resource? Learning accommodations?
Are there any downloadable resources that you want to share? Upload them here!
To whom do we owe this lesson plan honour?
Where can we contact you if we have questions?
Please add any and ALL appropriate AP HuGe key terms/tags for your lesson plan / resource here so that people can find it in a search. Separate with commas.
By submitting this lesson plan you are giving permission to publish your work on and allow users to view and download any content published to the site. I further agree to being awesome for sharing my hard work with our tight-knit HuGe community. TheHumanImprint does not own or endorse the independent user content published to this site. TheHumanImprint has the right to screen and remove questionable materials. Your resource will be posted upon clicking the submit button below. Questions/comments pertaining to user-generated content should be directed towards the poster.