If you’re looking to show your students the quick difference between conic, cylindric, and planar-look no further. This great website by Tobias Jung compares 150+ different map projections.

Remember that for Human Geography, our course description asks for students to:

  • “Use and interpret maps”
    • and understand, “All map projections (e.g., Mercator, polar) inevitably distort spatial relationships (e.g., shape, area, distance, direction).”

Don’t be overwhelmed, this does not mean the goal is to memorize them all. Create a lesson showing students how cartographers attempt to show the round Earth on a projected flat surface.

Students (or other interested parties), can select two maps to compare at once. You can have the kids select different aspects that you want them to compare and then write about the differences. Equidistant vs. Equal-Area? No problem!

Check out the comparison website, it rocks.

Thanks for the tip from our Facebook group for this addition!

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