For those of you looking for a typed course articulation (learning objectives) in .docx and outline format, there is a download below. I’ve found myself needing one, for one reason or the other, throughout the year. The first instance came when my district needed of an outlined version to tag multiple choice questions in a popular online testing manager system, mainly to track student progress. In another instance, in May, my students create a final presentation in Google Slides and are assigned the Essential Knowledge standards to frame their work. A copy and paste version of the articulation was desperately needed then too. Here is the one I made today, feel free to download, use, and abuse.

CLICK THIS LINK HERE (AVOID ads above and below): Download: AP Human Course Articulation Outlined

Thankfully, there are great people on the AP Human Teacher’s Facebook page and various other versions have floated. One created by Nicole Nieves has a typed articulation in Google Sheet format, which is made available through her Google Drive. Yet another created by Brian Weekley has the course broken up by unit, with the Learning Outcomes and Essential Knowledge standards grouped together, respectively. If you are in the Facebook group, so a search, “Brian Weekly Course Description,” and you will find other files he’s created using the course articulation, including the Essential Knowledge points broken up into 4x6in. notecards for printing purposes.

Of course, the original course description text and credit can be found at the AP website, HERE.

Hopefully, these will be useful for you in some capacity.

How do you use the course articulation throughout the year? When did you need a .docx version?

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