Mooc Esri Map page

I received an email from ESRI yesterday about a free cartography MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) they are sponsoring from September 5th-October 16th, 2018. Free ERSI Mooc EmailI took a computer cartography course during my grad work, and loved it so much that I’ve never stopped thinking about it. I’ve signed up for the ESRI MOOC so that I can get a bit more efficient with Esri mapping. MOOCs are good because you can do them at your own pace, when we are all juggling no less than 600 different things in our life.

I had a student today ask me if there are any maps out there where he can view even MORE layers of data from what I’ve already presented. After my heart stopped squeezing from pride, I told him YES! It’s called Arc GIS, and I’m going to show you where you can find them! Happy MOOCing!

ESRI Mooc Page


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