Migration, On the Move Thumb
List of AP HuGe related inquiries: If you are looking for a comprehensive list of ESRI Geoinquiries to use for your class, check them out HERE.
AP HuGe Benchmarks:
  • Causes and consequences of migration are influenced by cultural, demographic, economic, environmental, and political factors
    • Explain how push and pull factors contribute to migration
      • Push and pull factors can be cultural (e.g., religious freedom), demographic (e.g., unbalanced sex ratios, overpopulation), economic (e.g., jobs), environmental (e.g., natural disasters), or political (e.g., persecution)
      • Push factors are often negative (e.g., poor economic conditions, warfare), while pull factors are often perceived as positive (e.g., a better quality of life, economic opportunities)
  • Apply the concepts of forced and voluntary migration to historical and contemporary examples
    • Forced migrations include those involving refugees, internally displaced persons, and asylum seekers

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