This enrichment activity aims to have students apply multiple concepts across the course, particularly Unit 1. By creating a personal MENTAL MAP, students are able to illustrate their weekly activity space using FLOW LINES. Without the use of mathematics or calculations, students will demonstrate how RELATIVE DISTANCE, RELATIVE DIRECTION, and the RELATIVE LOCATION of their most visited and cognitively recalled geographic sites and landscape features, construct a truly unique and independent TRAVEL NARRATIVE. After presenting their mental map and travel narratives, students should understand how qualitative data contributes to one’s sense of place and that people can view places and regions from multiple perspectives.

!!! This Mental Mapping enrichment is great for a Happy Friday or Substitute Folder !!!Download Mental Mapping a Sense of Place


APHG Topics:

  • 1.1: Introduction to Maps: Relative Distance, Relative Direction
  • 1.2: Geographic Data: Travel Narrative
  • 1.4: Spatial Concepts: Absolute & Relative Location, Space, Place, Flows
  • 3.3 Cultural Patterns: Sense of Place

National Geography Standards:

  • Geography Standard 2: How to use mental maps to organize information about people, places, and environments in a spatial context.
  • Geography Standard 6: How culture and experience influence people’s perceptions of place and regions.

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